Monday, April 23, 2007

Is it a compliment? Episode III

Welcome to the third installment of "Is it a compliment?", the favorite gameshow here at Blog of Danny. The basic jist of the game is this: I give you a comment someone has recently made to me that may or may not have been a compliment (and of course the ambiguity is heightened by the lack of context or voice inflection), and you weigh in with your opinions/contextual conjectures. You can check the "Is it a compliment?" link to the right to see previous episodes. This has been a popular feature thus far, I trust it will continue to be. Anyway, here is this week's quote:

"Well... you have hair."


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I found you...I was just search the web for old friends and found this...

Just wanting to know how you are and where life has taken you in the last several years. I can fill you in on me if you want to know...Hope I hear from you soon! Glad to see you haven't changed too much...Red Sox, The Simpsons, pre-season baseball, hating hot weather.

Radicol said...

Considering that a lot of guys around our age are experiencing premature baldness (sad!), I would take that as a compliment; that is, assuming that this person is talking about the hair on your head, I hope to God... -CRC

Unknown said...

I agree, it's always good to have hair. On top of your head anyways. If they were talking about your back then maybe not so much a compliment.

Anonymous said...

was this person referring to your back hair?

danny said...

I can't answer the question of whether or not the person was talking about my back hair, since that ruins the point of the game (to come up with a context for the statement and guess whether or not it's a compliment). But, for the record, I do not have back hair.

Ken said...

I don't believe that Danny... all Pierce's have back hair... and this may include the 3 not like the others (if you know what I mean... man I now look forward to our next family get together). Unless I was right and you were transplanted into our family from a distant galaxy!!! They couldn't be talking about your head either because, once again you were blessed with the Pierce genes!!!

danny said...

Kenny, well, apparently the Pierce genes have not cursed me too bad, since I have no back hair and still have maintain a pretty good amount of hair on top of my head. Please God let it always be!

Jeff and Sarah Bianchi said...

Danny, Why is Millhouse playing frisbee with himself?
Love, Sarah

danny said...

Sarah, thanks for stopping by. To answer your question, Millhouse is playing frisbee because he's a lonely soul. Is that a subconscious self-reference? I'll let you decide. =) (Of course it isn't, I just thought it would be funny)